The most common networking mistakes ... and how to avoid them

1. OLD WIRES - I can’t tell you how many times I come in to wire up a network and I find old, outdated network cables running business critical applications. Even if the existing wires LOOK OK today, if they are not in perfect working order, they can be the cause of data problems and troubleshooting headaches later. Make sure your phones, computers, printers, scanners and fax machines are connected with new cables that have no “chinks’” or bends in them. And make sure you have plenty of spares on hand.

2. BAD OR MISSING LABELS. – You wouldn’t want to turn on the light in your garage and have the dishwasher suddenly go on, but that’s the equivalent of what happens when you have mis-labeled cables. Make sure network installers correctly and diligently label all cables being run, especially if they will end up permanently behind walls and floors.

3. DOUBLE = TROUBLE – Does your network closet “DOUBLE” as your coat closet or supply closet? This may seem innocent, but is a leading cause of unnecessary costs in troubleshooting “PULLED / DAMAGED” network cables, OR WORSE, over heating & crashing of file servers & network equipment. For proper ventilation and care of network equipment, make sure it is placed in dedicated spaces.

4. NEWTORK SYSTEM PLACEMENT – When designating an area for your business critical network systems, ALWAYS take into consideration, water damage, proper ventilation, proper flooring, static electricity potential and room for GROWTH.

5. NETWORK NIGHTMARE - Letting un-qualified people (your staff, cousins, maintenance employees) troubleshoot & install network cables & network equipment will almost always cause problems. I’ve seen cables hanging directly from ceiling tiles to work stations & printers as well as leaving the front of the network rack looking like “MEDUSSA” – that’s when I know “Cousin Vinny” was here!

6. FAIL TO PLAN, PLAN TO SPEND MORE – When initially discussing the cabling & network needs for new office space, ALWAYS, plan for additional work stations, printers, faxes as well as FUTRE devices that have only been imagined…Installing extra infrastructure cabling when you’re doing a job now is cheap compared to adding more cables later when you’ll spend a LOT more on labor to re-open everything.

7. LESS IS LESS – When you are designing you equipment rack , software & software protection, choosing the least expensive “WE HAVE A SPECIAL” components will not always save your company money in the long run. Choosing well known top of the line equipment, software & virus protection is ALWAYS the way to go. Otherwise, why would you let cheap equipment interfere with maintaining and growing a successful organization?

8. ASK THE QUESTION – When bidding on federal & state funded projects, NOT KNOWING the amount allocated for that particular project, can waste the time of you & your staff.. PROJECT BUDGET INFORMATION IS PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE. Ask!

9. THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS – Having walked through virtually ever grade school & high school in the tri – state area, I know how easy it is to ATTEMPT to price a project DIRECTLY from the floor plans . HOWEVER, the knowledge that is gained from meeting the staff @ the building being bid is priceless and should be mission critical for you. ALWAYS find the head custodian, ask him who has been here the longest. THEN come back another day to re-walk the building to find all the nooks & cranny’s. THIS STEP WILL ALWAYS HELP YOU PROPERLY BID THE PROJECT & GIVE YOU A COMPETATIVE ADVANTAGE AT THE SAME TIME.

10. SO MANY RFP’S SO LITTLE TIME – With hundreds of RFP’S available each day, knowing which ones are right for your company can become a daunting task. C.V.R. WILL ATTEND THE WALKTHROUGHS, TAKE PICTURES, BUY THE FLOOR PLANS as a representative of your company. FREE OF CHARGE. Choose us as your wiring contractor and we’ll be your “partner” in doing it right!